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I consider myself a citizen-scientist. Consequently you will find here articles, events, reports as well as my thoughts on both the scientific and political news. Feel free to comment, retweet and repost.

28 Aug

The "Future of European Democracy"

Publié par Dr. Raphaela Kitson-Pantano  - Catégories :  #European Politics

The "Future of European Democracy"

As UK PM Boris Johnson succeeds in suspending Parliament thereby curtailing democracy on the topic of Brexit, the Liberal Democrats in France continue their fight for Britons abroad and prepare to host a one-day conference on the "Future of European Democracy" in Toulouse on 28th September. Check out the article published in The Connexion. hashtagLibDemsinFrance  hashtagbrexitnews hashtagbrexit

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I consider myself a citizen-scientist. Consequently you will find here articles, events, reports as well as my thoughts on both the scientific and political news. Feel free to comment, retweet and repost.